what should i wear?
You are invited to wear whatever you feel most comfortable dancing in! more often than not, dancers come in workout or movement clothes, with socks or sneakers as footwear.
what do i need to bring?
All you need to bring is yourself, your admission (check with your local chapter to confirm prices and payment methods), and mayyyybe a bottle of water—hydration is key!
who are the instructors?
There are no instructors at DDPP! you’ll be welcomed and given a quick spiel by your local “den fam”—a group of fabulous volunteers who are responsible for organizing + running our local chapters.
After that, we dance like nobody’s instructing—because nobody is. :)
what music do you play?
The real question is “what music do *you* play?”
Each DDPP™ playlist is different because each session features a different guest DJ. it’s a great way to dance to your all-time faves and discover new jams to add to your personal rotation!
Once you have attended DDPP once, you can volunteer to create a playlist and become a guest dj at your local chapter!
can i host a party with ddpp™?
If you plan to bring your party to a regularly scheduled ddpp session, be sure (1) you secure your admission in advance, and (2) confirm that your guests will be comfortable with our “no talking” policy.
If you’d like to organize a private event with ddpp, reach out to your local chapter to ask about availability and rates.
is ddpp™ appropriate for children?
please note: DDPP™ does not censor playlists. We understand this may impact your decision to share the experience with your children.
It’s always a good idea to check in with your local chapter to inquire about any age restrictions.
can my male friends attend as my guests?
DDPP™ was created as a safe space for women to dance, free from the scrutiny of men at traditional clubs.
we welcome all people of marginalized genders who are comfortable in spaces that are built upon the experiences of women.
many chapters host occasional “dance dance every body” sessions that are inclusive of all gender identiTIes. check in with your local chapter to request further information.
how to pay? where to parK? when to dance?
dance dance party party™ has a number of different chapters throughout the u.s. and the world.
If you’d like details about dDPP™ sessions near you, the best advice would be to contact your local chapter via the ‘learn more’ button on our locations page.
can i start ddpp™ in my area?
Absolutely! Reach out to us with details and we’ll be glad to advise you on how to get started.
Contact Us
If you have outstanding questions, don’t hesitate to reach out directly to the team at our global headquarters: